Test Scenarios Registration Form [Write Test Cases of Signup Form]
Test Scenarios Registration Form
Registration form varies based on business requirement. In this post, we will see the Test Scenarios Registration form. We will list all the possible test scenarios of a registration form (Test Scenarios Registration Page/Test Scenarios Signup form). We usually write test cases for Registration Form/Signup form/Signup page for every application we test. Here are the fields usually used in a registration form.
Must Read: Test Case Template With Detailed Explanation
- User Name
- First Name
- Last Name
- Password
- Confirm Password
- Email Id
- Phone number
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Location
- Terms of use
- Submit
- Login (If you already have an account)
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Test Scenarios of a Registration Form
- Verify that the Registration form contains Username, First Name, Last Name, Password, Confirm Password, Email Id, Phone number, Date of birth, Gender, Location, Terms of use, Submit, Login (If you already have an account)
- Verify that tab functionality is working properly or not
- Verify that Enter/Tab key works as a substitute for the Submit button
- Verify that all the fields such as Username, First Name, Last Name, Password and other fields have a valid placeholder
- Verify that the labels float upward when the text field is in focus or filled (In case of floating label)
- Verify that all the required/mandatory fields are marked with * against the field
- Verify that clicking on submit button after entering all the mandatory fields, submits the data to the server
- Verify that system generates a validation message when clicking on submit button without filling all the mandatory fields.
- Verify that entering blank spaces on mandatory fields lead to validation error
- Verify that clicking on submit button by leaving optional fields, submits the data to the server without any validation error
- Verify that case sensitivity of Username (usually Username field should not follow case sensitivity – ‘rajkumar’ & ‘RAJKUMAR’ acts same)
- Verify that system generates a validation message when entering existing username
- Verify that the character limit in all the fields (mainly username and password) based on business requirement
- Verify that the username validation as per business requirement (in some application, username should not allow numeric and special characters)
- Verify that the validation of all the fields are as per business requirement
- Verify that the date of birth field should not allow the dates greater than current date (some applications have age limit of 18 in that case you have to validate whether the age is greater than or equal to 18 or not)
- Verify that the validation of email field by entering incorrect email id
- Verify that the validation of numeric fields by entering alphabets and characters
- Verify that leading and trailing spaces are trimmed after clicking on submit button
- Verify that the “terms and conditions” checkbox is unselected by default (depends on business logic, it may be selected or unselected)
- Verify that the validation message is displayed when clicking on submit button without selecting “terms and conditions” checkbox
- Verify that the password is in encrypted form when entered
- Verify whether the password and confirm password are same or not
Must Read: Test Scenarios of a Login form
Writing test cases for an application takes a little practice. A well-written test case should allow any tester to understand and execute the tests and make the testing process smoother and saves a lot of time in long run. Earlier we have posted a video on How To Write Test Cases. I am concluding this post “Test Scenarios Registration form / Test Scenarios of Signup form”.
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