Hello and welcome to SoftwareTestingMaterial.com – free software testing resource site for Software Testers.

My name is Rajkumar and I’m a certified Software Test Engineer by profession and blogger & YouTuber by choice. I started SoftwareTestingMaterial.com as a passion. Here I write about Software Testing Tutorials & Tools.
My motive to start this blog is to help fellow software testers and readers who are searching for quality information to improve their career or to clear interviews or to start a career in Software Testing.
What is Software Testing Material?
Software Testing Material is a blog dedicated to all professional Software Testers. At Software Testing Material, our main goal is to provide cutting-edge helpful articles, best practices, and other information about software testing that are easy to understand for testing professionals and non-technical people who want to choose a career in Software Testing.
It helps especially the newbies in the industry who search for good software testing material. It helps them to crack the interviews. In this site, you could find posts related to Manual, Automation, Performance Testing and also we cover Interview Tips.
We focus on producing editorial content related to promoting, comparing, and listing products/services.
You are part of this website too, we hope you can join us along the way.
The motive behind Software Testing Material?
To help the new Software Testers who are struggling to get the information on Software Testing.
To provide free Software Testing Material.
What do you find at Software Testing Material?
You could find posts related to the following:
- Manual Testing
- Automation Testing – Selenium, QTP
- VBScript
- Performance Testing
- Interview Tips
- Topics related to Software Testing
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smrajkumar27 [@] gmail [.] com
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Rajkumar SM