Arrays VBScript | Automation Testing QTP/UFT
Arrays VBScript
Arrays are two types – Static Array & Dynamic Array
What is an Array
Array is a collection of data with different types of data type.
Dim ArrayName(size)
Where, “ArrayName” is the unique name for the array and “size” is a numeric value that indicates the number of elements in the array dimension within the array.
Dim arrayvalue(3)
It stores 4 values. The array always starts from 0.
Assigning values to the array:
arrayvalue (0) = 1 arrayvalue (1) = 2 arrayvalue (2) = 3 arrayvalue (3) = 4
There are two types of arrays: 1. Static Array, 2. Dynamic Array.
Static Array:
It has a specific number of elements. Once assigned, size of a static array can’t be modified at runtime.
Dynamic Array:
Size of a dynamic array can be modified at runtime.
Lower Bound & Upper Bound of Array:
Dim arrayvalue(3) Msgbox lbound(arrayvalue) Msgbox ubound(arrayvalue)
Size of the Array:
Dim arrayvalue(3) Msgbox “The array size is ”& Ubound(arrayvalue) + 1
Another way to assigning Array:
Dim arrayvalue Arrayvalue = array(91,92,93,94) Msgbox Ubound(arrayvalue) Msgbox Arrayvalue(0) Msgbox Arrayvalue(1) Msgbox Arrayvalue(2) Msgbox Arrayvalue(3)
It recreates the array and erases all the old data
Preserve should be used along with redim. It will retain the old data.
Dim arrayvalue(1) arrayvalue(0)=10 arrayvalue(1)=20 msgbox arrayvalue(0) msgbox arrayvalue(1)
Dim arrayvalue(1,1) arrayvalue(0,0)=10 arrayvalue(0,1)=20 arrayvalue(1,0)=30 arrayvalue(1,1)=40 msgbox arrayvalue(0,0) msgbox arrayvalue(0,1) msgbox arrayvalue(1,0) msgbox arrayvalue(1,1)
Some Examples:
Without Preserve
dim stm() redim stm(1) stm(0)=1 stm(1)=2 msgbox stm(0) msgbox stm(1) redim stm(2) ‘REDIM WITHOUT PRESERVE stm(2)=3 msgbox stm(0) msgbox stm(1) msgbox stm(2)
With Preserve
dim stm() redim stm(2) stm(0)=11 stm(1)=22 stm(2)=33 msgbox stm(0) msgbox stm(1) msgbox stm(2) redim preserve stm(3) ‘REDIM WITH PRESERVE stm(3)=44 msgbox stm(0) msgbox stm(1) msgbox stm(2) msgbox stm(3)
Redim Preserve with Multi-Dimensional Array
dim Stm() redim Stm(1,1) stm(0,0)=10 stm(0,1)=20 stm(1,0)=30 stm(1,1)=40 msgbox stm(0,0) msgbox stm(0,1) msgbox stm(1,0) msgbox stm(1,1) redim preserve stm(1,2) stm(0,2)=50 stm(1,2)=60 msgbox stm(0,0) msgbox stm(0,1) msgbox stm(1,0) msgbox stm(1,1) msgbox stm(0,2) msgbox stm(1,2)
VBScript Series:
- Control Statements VBScript | Automation Testing QTP/UFT
- VBScript for Automation (QTP/UFT) Testing – Part 1
- VBScript for Automation (QTP/UFT) Testing – Part 2
- VBScript for Automation (QTP/UFT) Testing – Part 3
- VBScript for Automation (QTP/UFT) Testing – Part 4
- VBScript for Automation (QTP/UFT) Testing – Part 5