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  1. Hello sir,
    I just want to know that, I am facing an issue after creating batch file. so my question is that, for creating batch file to run testNG is it neccessary to ad mozilla driver?

      1. no sir. i am not passing any driver info in batch file. but in my script i am passing driver info for chrome. so its not excute the script. thats why i am asking you that is it necessary to pass only gecko driver?

          1. yes with the help of this driver i can run my script in eclipse properly.. But its not work after executing batch file.

  2. ?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?
    !DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM “”
    suite name=”Suite”

    test name=”FirefoxTest”
    parameter name=”browser” value=”Firefox”>


  3. ?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?
    !DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM “”
    suite name=”Suite”

    test name=”FirefoxTest”
    parameter name=”browser” value=”Firefox” parameter
    class name=”scripts.testJenkins”


  4. Hi,

    I am unable to run batch i am facing total test run:0 skip:0 issue while trying to run the testng.xml file in CMD.

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