Selenium Quiz 1. What is the recommended way to handle dynamic elements?i. By using relative XPath locatorsii. By using regular expressions i, ii i ii None None 2. Select the correct option on how to select an element that contains “SoftwareTestingMaterial” WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(), ' SoftwareTestingMaterial')]")); WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("\\*[contains(text(), ' SoftwareTestingMaterial')]")); WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[text(' SoftwareTestingMaterial')]")); None None 3. Select the language which is supported by Selenium WebDriveri. Cobolii. Perliii. Javaiv. SQL i, ii ii, iii iii, iv ii, iv None 4. Running driver.get(“”) will: Navigates to a page No protocol is specified, so an exception will be thrown Navigates to a page None 5. The Selenium can access elements outside of the web application under test only test web applications test both web and desktop applications add elements to the inbuilt object repository None 6. Which is not the type of the locators ID Link Text Type Text Name None 7. Selenium WebDriver is used To automate the testing of a mobile devices Runs tests only on firefox browser Runs tests only on chrome browser To automate the testing of a web application None 8. Which of the following WebDriver is used for Headless browser testing? HeadLessDriver HtmlUnitWebDriver FireFoxDriver ChromeDriver None 9. Which of the following WebDriver class is used to run Selenium tests in Google Chrome? ChromeDriver RemoteWebDriver HtmlUnitDriver InternetExplorerDriver None 10. Which command you use to enter values in a text box? sendKeys() sendKeys() sendKey("text") sendsKeys () None 11. Is Explicit wait applied only to a single element for a specified amount of time True False None 12. Which command you use to retrieve the text using Selenium WebDriver? getText() getElementText() getText(WebElement) None of the above None 13. Select the Operating system which is supported by Selenium WebDriveri. Windowsii. Mac OSiii. Linux i, ii ii, iii i, iii i, ii, iii None 14. What is the JavaScript method used to scroll to a particular Element? ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“arguments[0].scrollIntoView(true);”, element); ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“arguments.scrollIntoView(true);”, element); ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(“arguments[0].scrollTo(true);”, element); ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript( element); None 15. Which command you use to navigate to driver.navigate(“”) driver.navigate().to(“”) driver.navigate().Url(“”) None 16. What is default wait time for implicit wait in Selenium WebDriver? 0 sec 15 sec 30 sec None of the above None 17. Which is the Supermost interface in Selenium WebDriver? WebDriver SearchContext WebElement JavascriptExecutor None 18. Select the below navigation methods of WebDriver? forward() back() refresh() click() 19. Choose the correct option to access an element by id driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='value']")) driver.findElement(By.xpath("\\*[id='value']")) driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='value']")) None None 20. In Selenium WebDriver, which method closes the open browser? quit() close() terminate() None 21. How to click on an element at certain coordinates using Selenium By passing the x, y coordinates in the click() command By using Actions class – moveToElement(element, xOffset, yOffset) None 22. Choose the correct option which selects the option at the given index selectIndexes() selectByIndex() selectByIndexes() selectIndex() None 23. Selenium IDE supports which browser? Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer Safari All of the above None 24. In Selenium WebDriver, which methods you use to navigate to https://www.softwaretestingmaterial.comi. navigate().to("url")ii. open("url")iii. goTo("url"iv. get("url") i & ii ii & iii i & iv ii & iv None 25. In Selenium WebDriver, which of the following is not a valid select statement? i. selectByValues()ii. selectByIndex()iii. selectByVisibleText() i, ii, iii i, ii ii, iii i, iii None 26. What are the types of exceptions thrown in web driver? ElementNotVisibleException StaleElementReferenceException ElementNotSelectableException All of the above None 27. In Selenium WebDriver, which method closes all the open browsers? quit() close() terminate() None 28. In Selenium WebDriver, which method takes you a single item forward in the browser’s history? navigate().back() navigate().forward() None of the above None 29. Select the Wait below which is not provided by Selenium WebDriver? Implicit Wait Explicit Wait Fluent Wait Sleep None 30. Is Selenium Web a component of the Selenium? No Yes None 31. Select the command which is used to check the presence of a web element? verifyElementPresent verifyTextPresent isElementPresent isElementExist None 32. Which statement is correct “/” is used to create an absolute XPath and “//” is used to create relative XPath “/” is used to create relative XPath and “//” is used to create an absolute XPath Both “/” and “//” are used to create absolute XPath Both “/” and “//” are used to create relative XPath None 33. Is Implicit wait time applied to all elements in your code? True False None 34. What is the difference between WebDriver and RemoteWebDriver? WebDriver is a class and RemoteWebDriver is an interface WebDriver is an interface and RemoteWebDriver is a class WebDriver and RemoteWebDriver is a class WebDriver and RemoteWebDriver is an interface None 35. Choose the correct option which performs a context-click at the current mouse location. context-Click() context.Click() contextClick() None Time's up