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      1. Thanks Raj for your reply.

        Now in my case, the web URL, doesn’t have scroll bar so that element will not be visible unless you zoom in the page. I do not want to use zoom in zoom out functionality as it is not recommended in my project. Then in this scenario, what should i do? Please guide.

        1. Hi Saili Inamdar,
          Can you please let me know
          1. Why it’s not recommended to use zoom in and zoom out.
          2. How you achieve the same behavior manually.

          1. Hi Raj,

            Zoom in zoom out is not recommended as higher authorities don’t want to change zoom from 100%.
            Secondly, guys those who are doing manual testing they perform zoom in zoom out. So BA out here is not allowing to have scroll bar and so i am unable to proceed.

          2. Hi Saili Inamdar,
            Selenium is a tool which automates browser. Selenium wont interact with hidden elements. But try JavaScriptExecutor. As you said even your manual testers are doing the same process. If nothing works, try to convince your team to run the script using zoom in zoom out. Also let me know the outcome of yours. Thanks.

          3. Hi Raj,

            i am waiting for your comment and solution as well. Please guide me on the same.

          4. Thanks Raj. I will try for JavascriptExecutor and let you know.

            I tried doing by zoom in zoom out for submenu element but it is not working in my case. Can you please guide me on this as well so that any one solution would work.

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